
Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 25th RRD Annual picnic

The RRD Annual picnic was held on Saturday July 25th at Lake Charlotte Park in Long Prairie. It turned out to be a pretty nice day though the clouds looked like it was going to rain at any moment. We had a nice turn out, about 300 people. Stan and I were both committee members. 
Getting ready for the picnic. Arlene helping get things set up. 
Gavin poses for Mica, my boss. 
Jaden at the playground. 
These 2 are a barrell of monkey's. 
Stan helped out with the games for employees and their guests. 
Gavin and Jaden couldn't wait to jump in and find quarters during the money pit game. Jaden pulled out $4.00 and Gavin got out $1.5o. The kids love this game!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Stan and I had Friday, July 3rd off for the holiday. We enjoyed going to the beach on Friday and Saturday.  It was great to just relax!
We headed to City Park on Saturday to swim, read and grill.  Jaden loves to swim and showed off his new skills he learned at his swimming lessons. He tried so hard to catch up to the ducks. 
Saturday evening we headed to Casey's to play mini golf. Grandma just took her swing and is watching to see if she has a hole in one. 
Jaden knew his way around the course and seemed quite the pro. He had been there recently with Mom and Dad.  
Jaden and Hannah waiting for the fireworks to start. We found a spot to watch fireworks along Lake Darling, across the lake from Arrowood Resort. The Rinnickers were there which made Jaden very happy. Jenny is Jaden's daycare provider and Hannah is his buddy. We waited  2 1/2 hours for those fireworks to start.